Support for Living Your Life as an Expression of Love, Compassion, Humility, and Peace

The Clear Way


Every moment of your life—every step, every breath, every thought, every heartbreak, every fleeting experience brought you to this moment. This single moment is what you prayed for, longed for, and hoped for—the moment light, love, peace, joy and freedom enters your life.


The ancient teachings offered here unlock the prison of your mind and open your heart to the unending happiness of your eternity. This sacred illumination is the great discovery of the living eternal presence within you that was never born and never dies—eternal life.

The timeless teaching of the Clear Way is an evolutionary perspective of the ancient teachings of Lord Jesus  Christ and Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. It is the eternal natural way that supports your direct experience of the love, peace, and happiness that simply never ends.



This global community  owes its existence to the eternal call of the unseen to awaken to the love that you are and spontaneously share this love, forgiveness, and compassion with everyone. This community lives the teaching by performing self-less acts of kindness daily.

Please Join Us for the Timeless Adventure of The Clear Way


We are a global community that evolved from a divine revelation to spread the news of  Divine Mercy—Love so immense, so incredibly intelligent, there are no words in our global human lexicon to describe this vast unseen presence. Mysteriously, even though it is invisible, this divine love, forgiveness, and compassion can be directly experienced through the power of the word, practice, prayer, and acts of divine mercy. The teaching and  practices of this community are based on the advanced teachings of Lord Jesus Christ as well as the advanced teachings of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi the well known saint of Tiruvanammalai India known for his radiant presence and life-changing practices of silent meditation, prayer, devotion, and self-inquiry.

This unique perspective provides ongoing support for living your life as an expression of love, compassion, humility, peace, and self-less service.  It supports a radical shift in consciousness that enables you to see everything unfolding in your life, even difficult or painful situations, through the lens of profound clarity, peace, and happiness. It is a universal message free of all religion and contained within religion with the power to heal  you from the inside out opening your heart to the vast Love and Compassion of God. Please join us to learn, deepen, receive, give, and be inspired to share the divine gift of love, compassion, healing, and forgiveness—Divine Mercy. 


Journey of the Heart Podcast

Logos of the Way

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 11:13)

This podcast actually started many years ago with the mysterious appearance of Lord Jesus Christ. This podcast explores the mystical experience of Jesus that continues to this day. It is a deep dive into the teaching that Kosi received directly from Jesus in the Holy Lands in 1998 and reveals their profound connection to Bible Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is a timeless transmission meant only to open your Heart to the Reality of God and his most Holy Son Jesus and the healing love his teaching represents.

The Chosen

Support, Healing, and Scriptural Study for Those Deeply Called by this Potent Film

“To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.” (Matthew 11:13)

Please join us for a deep dive into this life-changing film and scriptural study that supports your own direct experience of the eternal Love, Grace, and Truth of Jesus—the immense power of divine unconditional love that can heal you from the inside out.


The Essential Context for Understanding Yourself in Relationship with God


Select Image to Listen


The Healing Power of

The Clear Way

Imagine you are alone at the end of your life surrounded by death in a hospice hidden from view—then suddenly LIFE—you are handed a bouque of flowers with love, joy, and compassion.Our global community commits to spontaneous daily acts of love through action, prayer, and loving kindness. This shift in consciousness from you and your problems to helping someone else uplifts the entire world!

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