Kosi Kosi


The Essential Surrender

Metanoia (me-tə-ˈnȯi-ə) is an ancient word that means a change of heart so deep, so total, you fall to the ground in an unending bow to the divine. This total change of heart is the transformation of repentance—a radical shift in consciousness—the moment of bitter remorse you feel when you suddenly realize the absolute futility of all your efforts to seek happiness in the world. It is the timeless moment when you turn away from this futile pursuit that naturally opens your heart to the divine logos—the purifying power of the vast intelligence of the entire universe. This is the beginning of the evolutionary process of metanoia—the ancient alchemy of a deep permanent transformation of every aspect of your life. The ancient words repentance, sin, and metanoia might seem irrelevant in the context of the eternal presence and teaching of Sri Sri Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, but what if the sublime nature of metanoia actually reveals the secret power of vichara—the ancient yoga of self-inquiry? What exactly is metanoia and why is this ancient alchemy essential for moksha—your eternal salvation?

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Kosi Kosi


Electromagnetics of Liberation

In the womb of your mother the very first sense organ to evolve in your body was your inner ear. The very first language you heard, understood, and felt was the sound of your mother’s voice as you floated in the amniotic fluid of life held by an unseen presence—the purest love. In this wordless union with the divine you evolved from a few cells to an entire human being and sound was, and is, the eternal imprint that connects you to a presence that surpasses all understanding. Sound is the very nature of creation—an electromagnetic vibration of light infinitely connected to the great symphony of the universe—silence, sound, light, and vibration. The primordial sound of OM is the unending tone of this universal symphony—the unseen living vibration of life itself. This primal sound has the innate power to open your consciousness to an unseen dimension of time and space—the power to end lifetimes of suffering. But what exactly is this sound? And why is sound essential for your eternal salvation?

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Kosi Kosi


Secret of the Way

The ancient word mārga means path or way of salvation. The four primary mārgas described in the ancient Vedic scripture of the Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) are karma mārga (path of dharma or selfless right-action), jnana mārga (path of wisdom), and bhakti mārga (path of devotion) and rāja mārga (path of meditation). The four primary paths are so intimately intertwined there is no separation—all four primary mārgas are actually a single mārga. It simply does not matter which mārga you begin with, the evolutionary process of moksha eventually includes all four mārgas. This is the nature of the clear way mārga of the mountain path. It is yogic discipline and science infused with potent electromagnetic energy—an extremely intelligent invisible presence. The yogic practices of this path generate a potent energy field within you that purifies the electromagnetic field of your conscious awareness—removing the known and unknown aspects of your suffering. It is the sacred alchemy essential for your salvation. But what exactly are the yogic practices of this mārga? And what is its ancient secret? Perhaps more importantly, how do you follow a mārga that is completely totally clear—a path that is invisible?

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Kosi Kosi


The Practice of Presence
By Kosi

Vichara is Self-inquiry—an intimate confrontation of the egoic mind of human consciousness. It is the practice of presence or the deep alignment of your consciousness with the vast invisible presence within you and all around you—the indescribable bliss of your eternal nature. This ancient practice lives in the repetition of the question; Who am I? Or the intimate questioning of the ‘me’ you feel deep inside that you naturally identify with as you. But vichara is no ordinary question. It has no mental or intellectual answer. The linguistic yoga of your mind is no match for the sacred fire this question represents—the vast indescribable power of presence that ultimately annihilates the questioner. But why is the feeling ‘me’ so stubborn? What is the reason that even after years of practicing vichara you can still feel the ‘me’ inside you? Is it even possible to overcome this deep-seated feeling of the ‘me’ or ego with the simple question—who?

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Kosi Kosi


The Art of Letting Go
by Kosi

The natural tendency is to trust your mind and all of the strategies that arise in your mind to get whatever you think you want and keep whatever you think you have. The narrow focus on thoughts about whatever is perceived through your five senses or the power of your mind to remember gives rise to many different emotions and reactions to your ever-changing life situations. This genetically strong tendency overlooks the unseen presence—a vast intelligent power invisible to your senses and imperceptible to your mind. The great secret of moksha is to trust this unseen presence over the limited perspective of your mind and senses. But how can you trust something you can’t touch, see, or feel? How can you trust the invisible? What exactly is this unseen intelligence?

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Kosi Kosi


Sine Qua Non of Moksha
by Kosi

God is a loaded word. It evokes antiquated ideas, or the religious perspective, of a personified God. This small three-letter word can evoke painful memories of church or the sickening feeling that you hoped religion would satisfy the mysterious longing deep inside of you only to discover it leaves you feeling empty and dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction has led to the pervasive idea that God is not real and you simply liberate yourself from your suffering through the power of your intellectual understanding, but is this really true? Is intellectual understanding all that is required to transcend the suffering nature of your egoic mind? How can your intellect overcome the potent visceral presence of your ego infused with your genetics or the unconscious tendencies known as vasanas? Does this make any sense? How do you address something you are completely unaware of? But if God is the sine qua non of moksha—who or what is God?

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dharma Kosi dharma Kosi


The Quantum Intelligence
By Kosi

The primary purpose of the life and teaching of Ramana Maharshi was to breathe new life into the ancient teachings of sanatana dharma—the eternal natural way. The meaning of sanatana is eternity or the presence of an invisible intelligence that was here in the past, is here now, and will always be here, but is rarely noticed or understood simply because it has no form and is invisible to your eyes. The essence of this eternity is an invisible quantum intelligence or network of universal laws or intelligent design that define the unseen nature of the universe. If sanatana is this eternity then what exactly does dharma mean? And what does it have to do with liberation from the great wheel of suffering—samsara? What is the dharma of Ramana Maharshi? Dharma is a word that does not easily translate into the English language, but once you grasp its multi-faceted meaning it opens a new dimension of understanding about the nature of liberation.

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Kosi Kosi


Overcoming the Emotional Storms of Life
By Kosi

Life was rolling along like it always rolls along—then wham—out of nowhere an invisible tempest shrouded the world in the dark shadow of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and death. The experts on pandemics saw this coming for years but simultaneously were blind to the incredible speed this plague would spread around the world—a global blind spot. Certainly, it is surreal that a virus invisible to the eye wields such immense power that it brought all of our lives to a sudden screeching deafening halt. But what if there is a greater purpose for this unprecedented change? What if there is a gift in this moment of profound heartbreak and uncertainty? What if it represents an opportunity to discover something much more potent that is also invisible to the eye? For it has been said, and it has been written, for everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose. But what is the purpose of this sudden global stop? How do you overcome the heartbreak of loss and the fear of uncertainty?

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Kosi Kosi


The Ancient Secret of the Swan
By Kosi

The swan is the famous symbol of Advaita Vedanta (non-dual) teachings. It represents gliding through samsara, the great ocean of suffering, untouched by the ever-changing drama of life as the one presence contained within form and free of all form. The swan also represents the seed letters of OM or a-u-m as described in the ancient text of the Nadbindu Upanishad. The sound of the seed letters correlate to four states of consciousness (a) awakened state, (u) dream state, (m) deep sleep, and the ardha-matra or the formless still silence of the Self or omniscience. The sound of these seed letters is an invisible frequency of light that acts like a laser beam that burns through the illusion of the reflective consciousness of your ego. It is the ancient and extremely potent practice of riding the silent sound of the swan supreme—the path of liberation. What is the secret of the swan? How does it relate to the sublime teaching of Ramana Maharshi?

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Kosi Kosi


Facing Yourself
by Kosi

The original definition of courage was to tell your story with your whole heart. Telling your story publicly meant facing ridicule, judgment, hatred, and even death. In ancient times telling your story, especially an honest story, simply meant you could be killed. The path of liberation is seeing through the story you have consciously and unconsciously been weaving about yourself. It requires the courage to face your own death, tell the truth, and intimately examine what is really going on inside of you. This is the maturity essential for facing yourself—not to improve or change yourself, but to see through the illusion of the story that you tell yourself to consciously and unconsciously define who you are. This seeing requires the courage to see through the illusion of you to discover the eternal truth of you. But what is the eternal truth of you? And what does facing yourself have to do with liberation or moksha?

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Kosi Kosi


Trusting the Unseen
by Kosi

Faith is trust in the unseen omniscience of God. The teaching of Sri Sri Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi is the supreme faith—direct realization of the unseen intelligence of God. It releases you from the endless cycles of birth and death—the karmic wheel of saṃsāra—the suffering of the great wandering that has continued for lifetimes upon lifetimes. His teaching is simple, powerful, and endlessly deep. He was crystal clear there are only two methods that lead you to the bliss of eternal salvation known as moksha or liberation. The first is self-inquiry or vichara and the second is complete and total surrender to God—either approach requires an intense desire for liberation and perseverance. But what is the purpose for these two approaches? How does it liberate you from the ancient karmic wheel of suffering?

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Kosi Kosi


Overcoming Anxiety
By Kosi

Anxiety is one of the most debilitating forms of suffering.  It lives in an overwhelming sense of doom and the panic it generates. It can lead to panic attacks or the visceral sense that everything in your life is simply too overwhelming. The deep sense of terror generated by a panic attack can be so intense that it can actually feel like you are having a heart attack. Overtime anxiety can lead to major health problems and even has the power to generate cancer in the body. When you are in the grip of anxiety it can seem impossible to overcome this overwhelming feeling, but what if anxiety and the panic it generates is simply an opportunity for a radical shift in consciousness?

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Kosi Kosi


Birth of God
by Kosi

The birth of Jesus was the advent of a seismic shift in consciousness—the birth of God. He had a sacred destiny; to bear witness to the living truth—the eternal presence that transcends death. Jesus is God—the omniscience that is both human and divine—a quantum leap in consciousness—an Avatar. He set the world on fire with a new conversation that has been the source of controversy for centuries. His miraculous birth was heralded by angel who proclaimed, “Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord’—the prophesized Messiah—the messenger. Is this a religious message or does it transcend religion entirely? What exactly does the birth of Jesus have to do with the teaching of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi?

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Kosi Kosi


The Radical Power of Forgiveness
By Kosi

Atonement is a word that contains a mysterious power. It symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ—a cross over in consciousness—a return to the living eternal truth in the core of your being. Atonement is a radical power—the living foundation of forgiveness. In life one of the greatest challenges we face is to atone or forgive especially when you know you are right and the other person is wrong. The fight to be right makes it almost impossible to forgive. Perhaps forgiveness is one of the most misunderstood words in the dictionary. What does it really mean to forgive or atone? 

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Kosi Kosi


Seeing Beyond the Illusion of You
By Kosi

Fear is the raw human emotion that has the innate power to keep you trapped in the prison of the mind. The genetics of your mind, or the genetic mind, is the deeply ingrained survival mechanism of your physical body combined with your five senses and your natural capacity to think. The impulse to run or hide is in effect the hard-wired survival mechanism deeply ingrained in the physiology of your body and mind. This natural survival instinct can keep you running and hiding your entire life. But what exactly is fear and how can you break free of its invisible clutches?

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Kosi Kosi


Overcoming the Pain of Heartbreak
by Kosi

Loss is part of life. It is deeply interwoven with the constantly changing unfolding tapestry of you and your life. It is simply inevitable that you will lose something precious or someone you love—a close friend, a parent, or a beloved pet. It is painful. Loss is especially painful if it is sudden and unexpected. The shock of losing someone you love can leave you feeling empty, alone, and even violated. Loss of any kind can be devastating and even a debilitating experience. But have you ever wondered what causes this pain? How can you overcome the heartbreak of loss and the sadness and despair it is known to generate?

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Kosi Kosi


The Power of Ramana
By Kosi

The teaching of Ramana Maharshi is simple. It is powerful. It is direct. It is fast. This power is so powerful we often overlook the nature of this power. Rarely, if ever, do we stop and ask ourselves what is it about Ramana that makes him so powerful? Let’s face it. Ramana is dead. His face is no more. Whatever is left of his now badly decomposed body is enshrined in a samadhi tomb at his ashram in Tiruvannamalai India. Some of you reading this have never even heard of him and possibly don’t even know what an ashram is. So what is it about this man known as Ramana Maharshi that is so powerful? Who is Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi?

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Kosi Kosi


Overcoming the Fight to be Right
By Kosi

The impulse to react is encoded in your genetics. This impulse is normally viewed simply as the way you respond to life situations. It seems perfectly acceptable to fight to prove you are right. The mind can conjure up any reason to justify the egoic tendency to fight, to judge, be rude, or mean to someone else. This is often seen as the normal mode of living in the world. But is it really? Is this impulse to fight a normal reaction? Is the tendency of your mind to blame other people and situations for how you feel a normal reaction? Or is this a symptom of a pervasive human disease?

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