
Electromagnetics of Liberation

By Kosi

In the womb of your mother, the very first sense organ to evolve in your body was your inner ear. The very first language you heard, understood, and felt was the sound of your mother’s voice as you floated in the amniotic fluid of life held by an unseen presence—the purest love. In this wordless union with the divine, you evolved from a few cells to an entire human being and sound was, and is, the eternal imprint that connects you to a presence that surpasses all understanding. Sound is the very nature of creation—an electromagnetic vibration of light infinitely connected to the great symphony of the universe—silence, sound, light, and vibration. The primordial sound of OM is the unending tone of this universal symphony—the unseen living vibration of life itself. This primal sound has the innate power to open your consciousness to an unseen dimension of time and space—the power to end lifetimes of suffering. But what exactly is this sound? And why is sound essential for your eternal salvation?

The energy field of your conscious awareness contains the karma of many previous incarnations. This energy field is a frequency of light that is eternal, uniquely you, and traditionally referred to as your immortal soul. This energy field gives life to your body as well as life to the genetic codes contained within the cells of your body, which are subject to the universal law of cause and effect—the ancient law of karma. Liberation from the karmic wheel of suffering is simply not possible until all of your karma is resolved, which means it is either resolved through the fulfillment of karmic action and reaction in the world or burned in the sacred fire of the continuous practices of the mantra, self-inquiry, and meditation. The challenge is most of your karma is completely unknown to you—so the question naturally arises; how do you resolve something you know absolutely nothing about?

Obviously, you cannot free yourself from unknown karma—this is the fundamental reason the mantra is essential for liberation. It is simply impossible to remove karma with the power of your intellectual understanding or knowing. The ancient alchemy of sadhana, or the ancient practice of letting go, is essential for your spiritual evolution, which means there is simply no shortcut for removing your karma—it naturally evaporates in the sacred fire of sadhana generated by the electromagnetic energy contained within every mantra otherwise it must be acted out in the great play of consciousness known as maya.

Sound is the key that unlocks the secret code of liberation from all forms of suffering—whether it is the suffering of fear, anxiety, sadness, rage, stress, or jealousy—the endless patterns of suffering you are experiencing in this life or have experienced in other incarnations. It is the invisible frequencies of light contained within the potent seed letters of all mantras that has the power to remove even the most stubborn karmic knots of suffering. In other words, you don’t need to know what your karma is or what you did in previous incarnations—the potent sound vibrations of all mantras are a purifying force of nature that removes the impurities of karma contained within the electromagnetic field of your conscious awareness most of which is completely unknown to you.

The secret of the mantra lives in its unseen power. It is not just an ancient song or hymn. The mantra is a prayer to the divine asking for help, it is proven science with the power to re-wire your brain and supports the natural surrender of devotion—loving the divine—the pure union of jnana and bhakti yoga. The power of the mantra lives in the deep recognition that you actually need the help of an unseen presence—the divine intelligence of the entire universe. This surrender is essential in order to address unknown mountains of karma stored in the genetics of your body and the electromagnetic frequency that animates your body. Removing veils of karma is not something you can do as a self-help exercise nor is it something you can address with mere intellectual understanding.

The potent energy of every mantra is actually an intimate prayer to the divine presence of the entire universe—a vast love and intelligence beyond human comprehension. This divine presence is contained within every mantra as a potent electromagnetic energy field with the power to set you free from eons of suffering. Liberation is simply not possible without the ancient power of the mantra—the unending prayer of electromagnetic light. This invisible power naturally surrenders the powerful movements of your mind into the vast stillness of the infinite realm of your heart. This is the intrinsic nature of every mantra—it naturally pulls you through the invisible gateway of your heart into the living realm of pure joy.

The sound waves of every mantra are electromagnetic frequencies of light that naturally purify the unknown karma known as vasanas from the invisible energy field of your conscious awareness. Every mantra contains potent electromagnetic frequencies of light in the form of seed letters. The seed letters of every mantra are an electromagnetic wave of light that vibrates the gross, subtle, and causal aspects of your physical existence. It naturally purifies or burns through, karma, vasanas, gunas, and samskaras—the unconscious tendencies that keep patterns of suffering recurring again and again in your life experience.

The mind naturally follows the inner and outer sounds that you perceive. Focusing your mind on the source within your heart through the potent prayer of the mantra ignites a sacred fire that burns through your known and unknown karma. Ultimately, the sound of the mantra is the sacred fire that sets you free from eons of suffering.

The invisible power of the mantra is a natural surrender of the immense power of your mind into the infinite realm of your heart—the purest divine love. This is the intrinsic nature of every mantra—it naturally pulls you through the invisible gateway of your heart into the living realm of pure joy.

The silent sound of every mantra is the electromagnetics of liberation—unending happiness.

Tat Sat

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