Lesson 1
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 1

Mount of Olives Transmission 1998
Lesson 1: 
Stay true to the light within.  Your consciousness has increased with the steadfastness of true faith.  God is with you, in you, around you and all people.  Stay focused on God, for the great light of God is the shepherd of light that is guiding your every thought, your every action.

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Lesson 2
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 2

Garden of Gethsemane Transmission 1998
Lesson 2:  Let go of the illusion of time and matter.  This is the second lesson, one which you must learn, one that all people must learn in order to begin vibrating at a higher level.  Focus your attention on the light vibrations of the heart in every moment of every day.  Listen to the celestial song of the heart for it sings in unison with the vibration of God’s love.

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Lesson 3
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 3

Garden Tomb Transmission 1998
Lesson 3: 
To cross over from the darkness of ignorance to the everlasting joy of eternal life.  For in the light is the truth and in the truth is the light. To move beyond the limitation of the mind you must focus all your attention on the light of your heart, the light of God.  This is the third lesson; Focus on the light within. 

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Lesson 4
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 4

Holy Sepulcher Transmission 1998
Lesson 4:  
The fourth lesson is to always act as you would in my presence, as you would act in the presence of great masters.  Treat all people with respect. 

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Lesson 5
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 5

Holy Sepulcher Transmission 1998

Lesson 5: In the light of God’s love all things are possible.  For I am you and your are me we are all one in the eyes of God.  If your life is full of pain and suffering it is because you have focused your attention on the material world of your human existence, for no amount of money or things will bring you everlasting joy, everlasting peace.

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Lesson 6
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 6

Holy Sepulcher Transmission 1998

Lesson 6: This is the sixth lesson, to see with the heart, to see the great light that shines forth from the heart, that shines forth from all people who walk the earth.  The light within is the source of pure action, pure thought.  It is the limited perception of the physical realm that can distort this great truth.

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Lesson 7
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 7

Holy Sepulcher Transmission 1998

Lesson 7:  Focus your attention on the light always, for only the light can lead you in the right direction.  God's love is the illumination of all things.  The all-encompassing heart of God contains pure knowledge.  It is the greatest gift to all mankind, for in the light the Truth is revealed.

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Lesson 8
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 8

Holy Sepulcher Transmission 1998
Lesson 8:  
Is faith. Faith in the great teachings that are being presented to you.  For only if you believe with all your heart in the power of God’s eternal love can you transcend the physical limitations, the perceptions of the world around you.  Only when you embrace these teachings with an open heart will you transcend the limiting thoughts of the mind.

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Lesson 9
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 9

Holy Sepulcher Transmission 1998
Lesson 9:
Release all fear from your heart, for those fears that you focus your attention on will manifest.  If you have fears release them by ignoring them completely.  Recognize that these fears are illusions that can only become real if you give them your attention. 

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Lesson 10
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 10

Garden Tomb Transmission 1998
Lesson 10: 
The light of your being is separate from the matter of the body, only with focused attention on the light can the vibration of the body increase to a tone that becomes one with the light within.  It is the light within that gives the body strength, gives the body life.  So that legs can walk and eyes can see.

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Lesson 11
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 11

Holy Sepulcher Transmission 1998
Lessons 11: 
God hears all, knows all, loves all, forgives all and heals all.  God hears every thought, every prayer and sends forth the great rays of love to all people.  Never think that you are not heard by the Lord thy God. Always remember that God loves, God heals, God forgives, God hears all.  God’s love surrounds you and all people in every moment of every day.

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Lesson 12
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 12

Church of the Dormition Transmission 1998
Lessons 12:   
Always trust the light of God, for it is the truth and the way.  All things of the physical plane are an illusion, only the light is the truth of your existence. It is the illumination of all that is. Only the light of God’s love can reveal the truth of who you are.  Do not allow false imaginings of the mind to focus your attention on the physical world, for it will only cause you to struggle against the winds and waves of your existence.

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Lesson 13
Kosi Kosi

Lesson 13

Church of the Dormition Transmission 1998
Lessons 13:   
Only in the present can the eyes see clearly.  Do not strain to see beyond the horizon of today or look back along the path from whence you came, for it takes your attention away from the present moment.  It takes your away from the light within.  The light of God carries you forward into the future and keeps the eternal record of where you have been.  Instead of focusing on days to come or days gone by focus instead on the light within. 

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The Burning Cross
Kosi Kosi

The Burning Cross

Holy Sepulcher Transmission 1998
Path of Moses:   
Release all judgment of others, for in releasing all judgment you release yourself from the bondage of the same judgment.  For as you judge others you judge yourself.  True freedom lies in the forgiveness of all things.  Is it not true that when you condemn another, when you judge another, you are looking at a reflection of thyself?  Is it not true that when you forgive another you are also forgiving thyself?  For what you give you shall receive with ten times the force.  If you judge you will be judged.

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