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Kosi Radio Fresh

  • Live Podcast on Kosi Radio TIME: 8:00AM Eastern Time USA (map)


The Secret Alchemy of Moksha

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Public satsangs and podcasts with Kosi are broadcast live online. Satsang with Kosi is a fresh, alive, in-the-moment meeting infused with indescribable energy with the power to end the fear, anxiety, sadness, and many other forms of suffering you experience in life. It represents a radical shift in consciousness from the suffering caused by your mind to the unending happiness alive in your heart.

You might find yourself wondering if unending happiness or the indescribable peace of enlightenment is really possible for the average person. Or you might notice the endless conversation unfolding in your mind leaves no room for any peace or sense of well-being. Imagine what it would be like to be free of this incessant conversation. Or maybe you are wondering—what is the meaning of life? Or have you ever asked yourself—what exactly is the mysterious longing you feel deep inside that never seems to be satisfied by anything in this world?

What if it was possible to overcome the deep-seated feeling of self-loathing or self-hatred that has haunted you your entire life? What if it was actually possible to be happy in any life situation? Or more importantly, what if God is actually the unseen intelligence physicist describe as the quantum field infused with the indescribable power to reveal eternal life alive within you?

Satsang with Kosi is a life-changing event with the power to permanently end fear, sadness, anxiety, stress, and the unending roller coaster of emotions that repeat over and over again as you move through life.

Are you ready for a radical shift in consciousness? Are you ready to be free of fear and sadness and the myriad of other forms of suffering? Please join us for this life-changing meeting.

Happiness is your eternal nature.
— Kosi

Satsang is a sacred meeting that supports a dramatic shift from the suffering nature of your mind to the indescribable happiness of your heart. It is an open, honest, and very intimate inquiry that reveals the sublime happiness alive in the core of your being.

This intimate meeting is infused with the unconditional love, wisdom, and omniscience of divine consciousness. It is a palpable energy that supports your own direct discovery of your eternal nature which ends fear, anxiety, sadness, and many other forms of suffering you experience in life. 

The simple direct approach of this teaching burns through the conscious, unconscious, and karmic tendencies that keep fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and many other forms of suffering occurring over and over again in your life. Once these tendencies fall away you can be indescribably happy in any life situation.

Satsang with Kosi is a refreshingly authentic conversation and an honest, open, fresh look at what it takes to really be free. It is a potent transmission meant for anyone with the maturity and sincere desire to discover what is already at peace, already enlightened, within you. It represents radical support for the direct discovery of your true nature—the bliss of perfect wisdom.

Please join us for this life-changing discovery.

This is a free event.
Everyone is Welcome!

October 3

Satsang with Kosi (Public)

October 16

Clear Way Online Retreat