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Secret of the Way

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Marga - Secret of the Way Kosi

The ancient word mārga means path or way of salvation. The four primary mārgas described in the ancient Vedic scripture of the Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) are karma mārga (path of dharma or selfless right-action), jnana mārga (path of wisdom), and bhakti mārga (path of devotion) and rāja mārga (path of meditation). The four primary paths are so intimately intertwined there is no separation—all four primary mārgas are actually a single mārga. It simply does not matter which mārga you begin with, the evolutionary process of moksha eventually includes all four mārgas. This is the nature of the clear way mārga of the mountain path. It is yogic discipline and science infused with potent electromagnetic energy—an extremely intelligent invisible presence. The yogic practices of this path generate a potent energy field within you that purifies the electromagnetic field of your conscious awareness—removing the known and unknown aspects of your suffering. It is the sacred alchemy essential for your salvation. But what exactly are the yogic practices of this mārga? And what is its ancient secret? Perhaps more importantly, how do you follow a mārga that is completely totally clear—a path that is invisible?

The evolutionary teaching of Ramana Maharshi is known to be comprised of bhakti and jnana yoga as the two sides of the mountain path of liberation and naturally, this includes rāja mārga or the silent path of deep intimate inward inquiry, but karma yoga is rarely if ever mentioned as part of his extremely advanced yogic teaching.  What is truly significant about this pervasive omission is the fact that everything Ramana said and did is an example of the profound power of karma yoga—the self-less nature of true dharma—right action. Perhaps more importantly the actions of Ramana Maharshi reveal one of the great secrets of every single mārga. The path of dharma does not adhere to the laws and rules of this world—it transcends the linear thinking of the human mind. It is based solely in total surrender and trust in the invisible presence of God, Siva, Sunyata, Logos, Quantum Field, or whatever name or word you choose to assign to this infinite presence—a silent intelligence that simply defies description.

 Karma Mārga lives in total trust and obedience to the silent guidance of this intelligence without question, no matter how strange or odd, it might seem from a worldly perspective. It is complete unwavering service to God without any regard to what might be lost or gained through the fulfillment of this dharmic action. It has absolutely nothing to do with the egoic construct of gain or loss. For example, when Ramana heard the silent command of his father, Arunachala Siva, he immediately traveled to this sacred mountain never once questioning this otherworldly call leaving only an obscure note for his relatives asking them not to search for ‘This’ referring to his bodily existence. This total surrender and obedience to the unseen presence is the nature of true surrender. How is this even possible, you might wonder? How can you follow the guidance of an unseen silent voice?

 The short answer to this question is the average person is far too busy neurotically conversing with the mysterious voice inside their own head, or allowing their attention to be consumed by the almost incessant conversation with other people, to even notice the invisible intelligence of the entire universe let alone hear its silent guidance. But the great secret of every mārga is total trust in the unseen silent realm of the vast unconditional love of the universe, which is the essence of this eternal presence. The great secret of every mārga is the yogic discipline of sadhana aligns your limited conscious awareness with the unseen invisible intelligence of the entire universe—an intelligent presence that simply transcends human understanding.

 The unlimited power of this unseen presence is a purifying force of nature. The more you align with the presence the more your conscious awareness—the unseen electromagnetic light frequency that animates your body—is purified. This unseen energy field of light within you gives life to the reflective consciousness of your ego—the deep visceral feeling that you are the ‘me’ of your body that keeps you enslaved to your body-mind experience infused with the power of your five senses as you move through life—a virtual prison of emotions, reactions, circumstances, vasanas, gunas, and associated karma. The yogic power of the clear way mārga helps you break free of this potent invisible jail of suffering.

 The ancient yogic practices align your conscious awareness with this vast intelligent energy field, which is infused with the quantum power of the entire universe—the power of the cosmos—the light far greater than a trillion suns. The more you consciously align your awareness with this unseen presence the more and more this invisible intelligence burns away both conscious and unconscious impurities and the karmic genetic imprints infused in the electromagnetic field of light within you. This purification process is essential for removing the layers of unconscious karmic codes (vasanas) and conditioning that keep patterns of suffering recurring again and again.

 The shallow and exceedingly reckless perspective of Ramana’s teaching as instant and effortless is annihilated completely once you fully understand the complex energy field, karma, and genetic biology of your suffering. The clear way is an advanced yogic science that is infinitely deep. The yogic practices of this mārga have the power to re-wire your brain—an ancient alchemy that transforms you from the inside out. This is not a casual path. It requires a deep desire for moksha, commitment, study, contemplation, understanding, perseverance, and most importantly the actual application of the yogic practices of this ancient mārga.

Naturally this evokes the question; what are the yogic practices? How do you make real noticeable progress? The three primary yogic practices of this path are bhakti yoga, jnana yoga, and karma yoga—all of which require the absolute surrender of your mind to the vast invisible presence through the universal power of silence, sound [mantra], and prayer, as the ultimate yoga of self-inquiry [vichara]. This inquiry and energetic surrender through the power of the mantra naturally confronts the specialness of the ‘me’ you think you are, which transforms the reflective consciousness of your ego into the gateway of liberation.

The most important aspect of all yogic practice is surrender through the potent power of self-inquiry as the deepest bhakti (love and worship) of the divine presence. It is simply impossible to remove the impurities that cloud your mind, plug your ears, and blind your eyes through mental understanding alone—it is essential for you to physically engage with the unseen power of pure presence to ignite the sacred yogic fire that burns away the impurities that veil your true nature.

 It is impossible to make any noticeable progress without the power of silence, sound, and surrender on the invisible wings of the electromagnetic frequencies of light that every mantra represents. No words can ever describe the power of the mantra to release you from the prison of your mind, ego, and unknown karmic codes contained in the field of invisible electromagnetic light that animates your body.

The clear way is a deep unswerving bow (namaskar) to the eternal spring of the pure presence alive in your heart—the more you drink of this ancient elixir the more and more you will realize directly the peace, happiness, clarity, and love of your eternal nature.

 The secret of the way is the yoga of light. It is this unseen light of presence that is the path, guidance, energy, and power that frees you from the slavery of your mind, ego, and genetic karma.

 This is the great and ancient secret of the way.

 Tat Sat

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